Ep 107: BrianDePalma
The Cinemondo gang discuss one of their favorite filmmakers: BRIAN DEPALMA. We take a close look at some of his classics like OBSESSION, DRESSED TO KILL, BLOW OUT and BODY DOUBLE and the ups and downs of his impressive career crafting sometimes impossibly complex films that almost demand multiple viewings. He gathers A-List actors like Michael Caine, John Travolta, Angie Dickinson, Nic Cage and Melanie Griffith to make his cinematic dreams come true.
He’s often compared to Hitchcock, or accused of stealing from him. He’s accused of indulging in gratuitous shower scenes and voyeur fetishes. He’s even been called “immature” but despite a few clinkers, his list of intensely watchable and fascinatingly twisty films is something we all agree on. His films are CINEMA at its more entertainingly engaging and finely crafted. You have to pay attention to all of the details and keep your eyes and ears open. Join us as we heap the praise on one of our favorite filmmakers, Brian De Palma.
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